
The Financial institution is audited by two auditors. In accordance with the OHADA law, the auditor’s mandate holder has a substitute in case of failure.

The headquarter is assured by an experienced senior in multidisciplinary expertise.
The internal organization (operational team) is divided into departments whose functions are described through job profiles.In terms of governance, the AFGC S.A PLC has an operational model that meets international standards

It comprises of :

  • Board of Directors ;
  • Auditors ;
  • Executive Committee.

The board of directors is made up of a small team of nine (09) members.
Its main role is to set the strategic direction of the company and assess its financial performance. The Board operates through three (03) specialized committees as follows:

  • The Risk Evaluation committee has the broadest powers in terms of granting guarantees.
  • The Remuneration committee has the broadest powers in terms of defining strategic direction and development of new products or markets.
  • The audit committee has the broadest powers in terms of audit and risk management..

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