Who are the beneficiaries ?

Companies incorporated to the trade register and fulfilling the following conditions :

  • Having a registered office or a representation in Benin ;
  • Aiming at or carrying out activities such as the purchase and sale transactions, the production of goods and/ or services, service delivery, the execution of contracts etc. ;
  • Operating for at least 3 years.
Which loans can be guaranteed ?

Operating credits by disbursement and/or by signature as follows :

  • Stock financing ;
  • Overdraft ;
  • Overdraft facility ;
  • Advance payment for procurement ;
  • Advance payment ;
  • Letters of credit ;
  • Guarantees, etc.
Which sectors can be guaranteed ?

All business sectors except the housing development sector.

How much does the guarantee cost ?

1 to 2.5% flat (exclusive of taxes) according to the duration, applicable on the amount guaranteed ;

Application fees : 0.25% flat with a minimum of F CFA 50,000.

What is the response time of AFGC S.A ?

10 working days maximum as from the the date of submission of the overall application.

How to submit applications ?

Through the intermediary of the credit institution selected by the beneficiary but is bound to AFGC S.A by an agreement.
